Kaya Cikitsa कायचिकित्स
Massotherapy Fusion
Yoga therapy योगचिकित्स & Kaya (masso-body) therapy कायचिकित्स form two sides of the same coin.
Massage therapy can be seen as a passive Yoga practice, Thai Yoga massage is affectionately known as the "lazy man's Yoga", that offers the same benefits plus a deeper work on specific areas & points.
Massoterapia • Stretching Assistito• Marma Massaggio • Coppetazione • Thai Yoga Massaggio • Ayurvedico • Decontratturante • Sportivo
Kayacikitsa emerges from the space where Yoga meets Ayurveda & advanced manual therapies like myofascial, neural gliding, & structural integration.
The kayacikitsaka (massotherapist) uses varied appropriate techniques (like massage, cupping, guasha- Scraping, & herbal oils) & works directly on the body of the recipient to:
Relax muscular, fascial & neural tension
Reduce pain & tension
Move lymph & fluids
Reduce inflammation
Promote wellbeing
Clear the channels (nāḍī & Srotamsi) through which flows the prāṇa (a.k.a. Qi 氣)
Stimulate pressure points (marma)
Provide assisted stretching like passive āsana positions.
It's not simply relaxing massage for those suffering tension & pain however, but can be an invigorating performance enhancing practice for athletes & sportsmen with specific needs.
Diploma 600 hours in Massotherapy for Wellbeing - Diabasi, Italy
Diploma Cupping Therapy - Diabasi, Italy
Diploma 60 Hours in Thai Yoga Massage - Shen Mantra, South Africa & UK
Training in Marma Yoga & Yoga Massage - Various teachers, India
Certification in Yoga Therapy & Ayurvedic Massage - Svastha Yoga, India